Total Level: 2345
Combat Level: 136
Lowest Level (state the skill please): 75 Divination
Number of Ninety-Nines (state the skill(s) if under 3 please): 5
Have you been in a previous clan?: Long time ago, They were very inactive
If yes, why did you leave?: The clan died down.
Have you read all of the informational posts in our thread?: yes
Do you agree to follow the clan rules and understand the consequences of failure to do so?: yes
Are you free to play, or pay to play?: Pay to Play
What time zone are you in?: Central, US
What would you like us to call you?: Youker, King, King youker
How did you find out about us? Searching the forums.
Do you have any questions? When can I join?
22-Nov-2015 19:11:21