Username: Xavier_Daree
The name you like to be called: Xavier
Total Level: 379
Combat Level: 22
Favourite Skills: Cooking
Favourite Minigames or D&D’s: don't really do them
How Important Are Group Activities to You (1 - 10): 5
Are you familiar with Clans and Citadels?: I am with Clans but not Citadels....
Are you familiar with quartermaster XP boost and fealty?: I know what fealty is but idk what it means in the game
Are you happy to refrain from swearing in chat?: yes
Do you have a clan rank you are aiming for?: not really
What is the name of our Clan Citadel Frost Dragon?: karma
What are your current Runescape goals?: around 80 cooking and like 50 smithing and crafting
31-Aug-2018 15:40:10
- Last edited on
31-Aug-2018 16:08:51