Your RuneScape name:
Cajlana (Caj)
Combat/Total levels:
CB: 94/Total:1931
Will you abide by Jagex and clan rules?:
Previous clan experience:
Been a leader before (for only 3months or so)
Why do you want to join The FRIDAY Clan?:
Want to be part of a larger "family" again
As a clan-mate I plan to pitch in by (Please choose A. or B. below):
A. I plan to cap regularly in the Citadel.
B. I prefer not to cap in the Citadel but I plan to help in other ways.
(please describe here)
If someone in our clan recruited you, please let us know:
Found it on the forums
Other interesting information about you (optional):
I really like this color (Zaros follower)