Preferred name: lifescape
Total level: 1209, 32mil exp
Time zone: cst
What is your current goal?: 120 rune crafting and 90 base would be a good start.
Have you been in a clan before?: Yes
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: I just returned to the game after a year.
How did you find us?: Forums
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I used to be in a clan and really loved it, I made this skiller, reached 99 runecrafting but then irl got busy for a year, then I started playing osrs with some friends but I'd like to return to this account now that im playing rs active again, and I need a clan to really enjoy the game.
Thank you for taking the time to fill in an application,
I'm delighted to tell you that you've been
If you have any questions regarding the clan, please feel free to contact me or one of our admins to receive your invite.
We are looking forward to have you in our clan!
The 'Thingo' is either a word/phrase/monster etc. that is Runescape related.
You can't guess twice in a row. You must wait till someone else guesses or bumps.
If you guess the Thingo correctly you win and get your name on the Leader board!
Dashes and Apostrophes will not be included but will instead be spaces, as it makes some words too easy