Preferred name: Dewayne
Total level: 617
Time zone: PST
What is your current goal?: As crazy as it might seem I want to go all in and max as many skills as I possibly can.
Have you been in a clan before?: Nope.
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: n/a
How did you find us?: Found you through here on the forums actually.
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I'm coming up on my 15 year anniversary and would like to finally get back into the game that started it all (sorta tied with old wow and eve) and just have fun while leveling skills and questing. Granted I'll need help learning all the new mechanics and HOW to level some skills but if I'm gonna put in the time I'd love to be a part of a group that can guide me along the way.
25-Mar-2022 20:59:46