Hey. Long time player, first time attempting to join a clan. Thought it was time and this one looks fun.
Username: Morbid Mouse
The name you like to be called: Mouse or Mousey
*Total Level: 2715
*Combat Level: 138
Favourite Skills: I enjoy most of them
Favourite Minigames or D&D’s: I do the monthlies and sometimes evil tree/shooting star. I honestly haven't tried much else.
How Important Are Group Activities to You (1 - 10): 5 - looking forward to raising it by doing it with fun people
Are you familiar with Clans and Citadels?: Just the basics on Wiki
Are you familiar with quartermaster XP boost and fealty?: Not really
Are you happy to refrain from swearing in chat?: I don't even know any swear words, so yes!
Do you have a clan rank you are aiming for?: Rise above being a rank amateur
What is the name of our Clan Citadel Frost Dragon?: Karma
What are your current Runescape goals?: 120 slayer and dung (though I'm distracted easily and forget to train them)
*Bonus Question:
If chicken was between 7 & purple in the alphabet, what colour would tuesday be?
Not to be obvious, but ... forty-two (the answer says a lot about me I guess)
Hope you guys let me play in your sandbox.
13-Jan-2018 17:08:00