Username: Evereign
The name you like to be called: Evereign or big fudge
*Total Level: 2045
*Combat Level: 129
Favourite Skills: firemaking and fletching because they are my only 99s
Favourite Minigames or D&D’s: pest control because i used to grind my ass off for void.
How Important Are Group Activities to You (1 - 10): 8.3
Are you familiar with Clans and Citadels?: yeah
Are you familiar with quartermaster XP boost and fealty?: not really, but im eager to know all about it
Are you happy to refrain from swearing in chat?: i dont mind
Do you have a clan rank you are aiming for?: not yet
What is the name of our Clan Citadel Frost Dragon?: karma i think? to be honest i just checked what the other guys answered lol.
What are your current Runescape goals?: To finish all the quests. i have 37 quests left to do and i also need to level up for requirements.
*Bonus Question:
If chicken was between 7 & purple in the alphabet, what colour would tuesday be? a slightly lighter purple
If you were given a choice, would you take it, or would you ask for another choice?
look, if you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment, would you capture it? or just let it slip? -Eminem
Evereign, questing since 2007.
15-Oct-2017 18:03:02