LOL Teaky keep it down or i'll lose points :x
No, but it's calculated on the amount of xp/hour in relation to the difficulty.
Therefore agility gives alot more points because you have to pay more attention while skilling.
EXAMPLE: 2points (50m xp) for runecrafting takes 454,5 hours at 110K/hour(runespan)
3points (40m xp) for agility takes 571,4 hours at 70K/hour(barb adv)
Preferred Nickname: Jugg/Juggo is fine.
Overall Level: 2493
Overall Xp: 1,083,095,788
Skill(s) that give you any rank points: Fletching/Magic/Cooking
Skill(s) you plan to raise to 200m Xp: Smithing/Woodcutting/Thieving
Average hours per week of playtime: Really depends, I'll say 70+ for now.
Anything else that you would like to add: .