Previous Usernames:None, had the same one since 1 Feb 2008
Total level:2084
Combat level:114
Any 99s?:not yet
Have you been in any clans before? If so why did you leave?:Yes, currently in Goonsquad, but the clan is dying out
Why would you like to join We Are Epic?: Better Citadel and more members to skill with
Favorite Runescape Activity (Castle wars, Barbarian Assault etc,) : Some sort of skilling, some days mining, some days questing, it varies as my mood strikes me
Are you willing to do your share in citadel upkeep?: In Goonsquad I have capped at 1400 every week for over 6 months
Do you understand the ranking system? (see list below): Yes
Will you place vexes around runescape and bump this thread?: Yes
Have you read our rules?: Yes (Torva)
What would you like to be called?: DyverDown
Anything you would like to add: I would love to stay in the clan I am, but the membership has dropped off significantly.
24-Apr-2019 03:31:44