Username: Yek Cx
The name you like to be called: Yek
Total Level: 2653
Combat Level: 138
Favourite Skills: Slayer, Range and Woodcutting
Favourite Minigames or D&D’s: Cache/ Big Chin
How Important Are Group Activities to You (1 - 10): 3 I rarely join group activates.
Are you familiar with Clans and Citadels: Yes
Are you familiar with quartermaster xp boost and fealty: Yes
Are you happy to keep chat super clean: Of course
Are you sure?: Yes
Do you have a clan rank you are aiming for: Doesn't matter.
What is the name of our Clan Citadel Frost Dragon: Karma
What are your current runescape goals: Right now, I have just come back to Rs3 and was looking for something to do so I dropped my bank and only kept chaotics / void /capes and am going to rebuild without ge.
06-Jul-2016 22:41:30