11 first-in-skill clan pets gotten, 8 to go! We now have TWO who have made the list twice!
mscosmetiics 8/22/16 Woodcutting
Politiks 8/23/16 Divination
Sumondria 8/23/16 Dungeoneering
Mollu 8/24/16 Fishing
Constrictor 8/25/16 Farming
Slaysia 9/4/16 Smithing
IIISmokeyIII 9/7/16 Mining
Tallands 9/8/16 Cooking
Char-Chorron 9/8/16 Agility
Tallands 9/11/16 Runecrafting
IIISmokeyIII 9/11/16 Theiving
Eight pets still up for adoption! Have a heart and do some skilling in these final skills: Construction, Herblore, Fletching, Slayer, Hunter, Firemaking, Crafting, and Invention!