Rules & Guidelines
If you've come to this forum, chances are you're unhappy about something.
That's fine, we want you to tell us what's frustrating you so that we can try and help.
However, there are certain things you should keep in mind before posting.
What is the Rants forum for?
The Rants Forum is the place to provide Jagex with feedback about RuneScape, our website features and the official RuneScape forums. Whilst we prefer all feedback to be constructive and balanced, the Rants forum does allow a certain amount of non-constructive and negative elements. However, this is not a forum for spam or pointless messages, everything should be tailored to helping us improve the RuneScape experience. If your feedback IS constructive, then the correct forums to use are all in the Feedback, Discussion & Suggestions section.
The way to think of this is: Rants is where you concentrate more on the issue than on the solution.
Please do not post on this Forum until you have read and accept the below Forum rules. Ignore the rules at your own peril.
The Law of Rants
- The RuneScape Official Forum Rules must be followed at all times. Do not devalue the importance of this forum by trolling, flaming or otherwise derailing the conversation.
- Personal conflicts and arguments are to be kept away from the RuneScape Forum. This includes Rants.
- Rants is not a way to get direct access to a JMod/FMod to deal with account issues.
- There should be no Flaming of Players, groups of Players, Jagex Moderators, Forum Moderators or Player Moderators.
- If you have a problem with a Moderator's actions, please use the Moderation Review Thread in the Community Home forum.
- Don't get involved in personal disputes with people. If someone trolls you, it is likely to try and provoke you. Simply report their post on Forum Help and a Forum Moderator will deal with it.
- Rant does not mean 'Rude'. We are all real people behind our computers - treat each other as such. Most of the people here are polite, courteous, friendly people. They are usually posting because they are upset about an issue. Take this into consideration when you respond - if you treat others with respect, they will show you the same.
- Rant threads need to contain an actual Rant. Fictional, ironic, off topic threads will be locked. Please don't spam legitimate Rants off of the page by creating pointless threads for megalols. The chances are, no-one will lol.
- Do not spam. We know what spam is, you know what spam is. We don't need to specify exactly what constitutes spam - if you're worried it might be locked for being spammy, it probably will be. You can add a little humour to your threads, but we know spam when we see it. This includes 4 hour long stories which are irrelevant to your rant, with "rant: bots smell" tagged on the end. If we're going to read your feedback, don't hide it in a page of story, pl0x.
Spam includes, but is not limited to:
- Umadbro
- ASCII (Images made out of text)
- crymoar
- wbm
- trololol
- first page!
- inb4chrisso/inb4lock/inb4(anything else)
- L2PK nub 06 prod!!!11
We will use our judgement on what is or is not spam, so if it's not on the list it doesn't mean it's allowed. Use your common sense.
Do not encourage spam by posting further on a spam thread - let the thread die naturally if it does not get locked/hidden straight away.
- The Rants Community Discussion thread is to be kept friendly. Just because we allow a certain amount of Off Topic discussion there does not mean the rest of the Forum Rules should not be followed.
- ASCII makes Moderators cry at night. Please don't make us cry at night.
- If it's TL;DR, keep it to yourself. No-one else really wants to know that you specifically haven't read a thread.
Breaking the above rules can be met with a forum mute, persistent spamming and ignoring Moderator warnings can lead to in-game offences and even permanent forum bans. Don't do it.
So is this actually somewhere that Jagex reads?
Rants is not a spam bin, nor a place that allows the Rules present in other areas of the forum to be overlooked.
Our Moderator team take this forum seriously and so should you. We want to be able to use your feedback to help us keep the game a nice, enjoyable place to be.
Please give us the opportunity to read your feedback without having to spend all of our time hiding spam and abuse directed at other people.
Finally - thank you for taking the time to read the above post and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Mod Infinity
Senior Player Support Manager
Senior Player Support Manager
10-Feb-2015 13:29:35