The top 3 money making methods on the RuneScape Wiki are currently 2000 enrage Zamorak, 2449 enrage Telos and 4 man Angel of Death, each over 100m per hour. How many are really able to even do those? A little bit down there is Vorago solo. A while ago it was not even possible! And even on more accessible methods like Nex (still a high level boss though) have very high estimated kill rates. Like how do people DPS that hard? I can only imagine some mid-level player looking for money making methods and seeing this.
I remember when the top money monster was Queen Black Dragon with 5m per hour. Oh how the times change...
Well, anyway it is good that there are these things out there, it just feels weird how different the money making guide looks nowadays.
12-Dec-2023 19:15:37