if you roll a 6 sided dice 6000 times, the numbers you roll will
be 1,000 of each give or take a few.
Indeed. If you did roll exactly 1.000 of each, then it would not be random at all.
you are missing my point, of how law of averages / law of large numbers work.
this is literally what 1/6 means which is still rng
read the link i posted with what you quoted. it will help you understand, hopefully. if not then idk what to do to help you.
if you roll a 6 sided dice 6000 times, the numbers you roll will
be 1,000 of each give or take a few.
Indeed. If you did roll exactly 1.000 of each, then it would not be random at all.
you are missing my point, of how law of averages / law of large numbers work.
this is literally what 1/6 means which is still rng
read the link i posted with what you quoted. it will help you understand, hopefully. if not then idk what to do to help you.
How am I missing your point? If you roll a dice 6000 times, and get each outcome exactly 1000 times, then that is not random. That is very much deterministic. Random means that you have no way of knowing the outcome.
if you roll a 6 sided dice 6000 times, the numbers you roll will
be 1,000 of each give or take a few.
Indeed. If you did roll exactly 1.000 of each, then it would not be random at all.
you are missing my point, of how law of averages / law of large numbers work.
this is literally what 1/6 means which is still rng
read the link i posted with what you quoted. it will help you understand, hopefully. if not then idk what to do to help you.
How am I missing your point? If you roll a dice 6000 times, and get each outcome exactly 1000 times, then that is not random. That is very much deterministic. Random means that you have no way of knowing the outcome.
it still can happen. from it being random. especially if the chance of each roll is 1/6 then yes it 100% can be random and happen like that
same way lotto numbers can eventually just be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. the chances of it being 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, is exactly the same chance as it being whatever the lotto numbers are this week. doesnt mean its not random. if they have an order at the end.
and as stated, it will most likely be close to it. give or take a few. thats literally statistics
but im not going to argue with this when the literal definition etc has already been posted, but ill post again and thats all that needs to be done. i was just pointing out how the wiki work out the gp per hour.