Has anybody here tried to PK with 250-350 Ping before? Or how about NH pk with 1 second delays on your clicks? No? Well I welcome you to the PKing experience of an Aussie.
This is how we're expected to play day in and day out, esspecially for people like myself who essentially play to PK.
I live a busy lifestyle and it's not common I get to bond up and enjoy 2 weeks of OSRS. When I do bond up, I expect to be able to play like everybody else.
Now obviously, living in Australia, across the world from the UK and the US, we are essentially kicked to the curb and forced to clean our own wounds as our RS population is understandably smaller. On this note, Jagex did a great job creating Aussie worlds (which we DEFINETLY appreciate), however when it comes to the realm of PKing we're left choiceless.
Yes we're aware that there are Aussie worlds to PK on, but they're ALWAYS empty. So what good is it when we're just forced to join UK/US worlds anyway? I have been absolutely turned off time after time trying to PK on international worlds (
We can never truly PK, risk it and play skillfully killsbecause we always have to take into consideration that there is a bloody delay with our clicks.
AT THE VERY LEAST, why can't we be included in the Rotation of PK worlds?
One might argue that there is a small player base in AUS and therefore why should people from the UK/US for example have to deal with trying to PK with Australian ping; My response to that is
"Inclusivity" and "community" is constantly chanted throughout the forums, it needs to be shown rather than spoken. Talk is cheap.
As somebody who has played this game on a VAST amount of accounts for over 15 years, It would be bloody nice for a change to be able to PK with under 200-300 ping for a change.
I won't be rebonding again until this issue is fixed as its just not worth my while anymore. Very dissapointed & frustrated.
30-Mar-2023 07:42:28