I have a bit more to say on the combat sounds, and how it relates to the new combat.
The sound is a HUGE problem. For years the player base insists they never use the sounds. But I need the sound and can't imagine how you play without it.
Then I start to realize, especially at ZUK, which apparently got me in some hot water. There is only so much information I can process, and that is a solid limit in how much playtime I can tolerate.
For more on that struggle, check out what the PVME has to say on the "Learning PVM" section under 'Getting Started.' Hint: it says a LOT.
It just keeps adding up til you hit the limit. It's very good to avoid doing that! So I have now taken to NOT using the sound, just as the other players say.
The only problem is I really DO need sounds to enjoy the game. But not THOSE sounds. So now I am really just avoiding most combat. Not doing what I would normally do.
For Necro, considering there is already added visuals with multiple spawns each with a bar, and some apparent explosions or poison clouds, I would hope the sounds are useful and made for repetition.
And somehow separate from what came before. So the players can use it, and would want to, and it doesn't interfere with Bugs Bunny cartoons in the background.
07-Jun-2023 16:33:05