just started training this again after a 3 month gap (lost interest when I got close to the first boss-gated gear) and had some thoughts that kind of reinforced my mad.
First, being forced to boss to advance gear is not the same as needing 60 def to wield a weapon or wear armor. The material to make the gear can't even be made until you have already achieved the level to wear it, yet you still can't. Unless you boss.
Yes, yes, if you have a few billion lying around in discretionary gp (as you will...IF you already boss, or merch boss drops) you can "just" buy t95. "Just". That will be as out of reach for most players as say, a black p-hat. Another toy designed for billiionaires who boss, or merch.
People can rationalize with "oh, but it will make it easier for more people to boss!"
Great, IF they already want to, have always longed to, and now they maybe can.
But here in this game sold as "chart your own path, play as you wish", what if you DON'T long to boss? Dead horse, I know.
Anyway, here's the fly in the "reasoning" that set up this silly arbitrary forced bossing: The other half of "you can just buy t95!" is the fact that the skill can be trained to 120 without ever USING IT in COMBAT.
So, those who just want the box checked and the two new capes can grind their way to "true skill mastery", in a combat skill, without ever doing COMBAT.
Would love to have been a fly on the wall when the brainiacs decided that made sense, to lock people out of gear they have already achieved the levels to make by forcing an activity that, if the person wanted it, they'd already be doing, and justified it with grind for capes sans combat, and an outfit that "only" costs billions if you want gear past 60?
Yeah. I'm grinding my way along until it is lamp and star time. Hopefully as I go along, I'll get past the disgust a bit. As it stands, this is right up there with dung on the "seriously?" scale, which is a shame because so much of it is a great addition.
07-Jan-2024 16:54:13