I signed up for this new security system maybe a week ago, got my two gold shards - now I'm beginning to regret it. Had to stop using the username and start using the e-mail address instead - the e-mail address to which they send codes so I can access the game and forum, which means my security here is directly dependent on the security of my e-mail, which address I'm typing into the bar every time it wants to sign me in. Not seeing the logic there.
Oh, and the sign-in is apparently once a week or so. I liked the authenticator with its random codes to my phone, and frankly I liked having to sign in (with a username) and authenticate every time I started the game, gave me confidence that I wasn't going to wake up one morning and find my account had been hacked overnight (by someone who had managed to hack my e-mail). This new thing? Gentlemen, I do not feel more secure.
I am very uncomfortable with this overreliance on my e-mail address for security, and I'm very uncomfortable with sitting down to the game and having it start right up without it making an effort to make sure I'm actually me. Maybe there's some feature I don't know about that will address some of this but, if it's out there, the fact that it wasn't mentioned when I signed up for this new security is a lapse. Or, I don't know, maybe I just missed that part, I'm not perfect. I'm also not happy.
And then today it requires me to change my password? A week after I changed security? How often are these password changes going to occur? At least, if I forget the new password, I can ask for help to re-set it - by having them send something to my e-mail address, which I type in when I want to sign in, and which I hope to heaven never gets hacked. I'd ask to go back to the old way but I suspect that's not an option.
09-Jun-2023 00:42:33