yup I'm even on a new stronger computer, still just crashes. they're useless at their jobs...... it just keeps crashing no matter what the fuck, they're just a shit game company
what new computer are you using? as this is very strange considering 99.9999999% of player base are fine.
This is a "rant thread" isnt it? where we can rant our frustrations is it not? Isn't that part of ranting? and at most this comp is only a 2 and a half years out of date as I can't afford much and this was a comp my wifes dad cleaned up and gave to me idk much about it besides it's stronger than my old one
This is a "rant thread" isnt it? where we can rant our frustrations is it not? Isn't that part of ranting?
if you dont want help then i wont try and help the situation. enjoy having a game that crashes i guess :/.
alot of the time ranting can be helped with better understanding or fixing of the issue thats causing the crash, whether its client crash or game mechanics on a boss fight or farming ticks.
i dont understand why people do this. "i am ranting about x"
"here this can help x all you do is y" or "we can help out x if we get more info" to respond like
"IM HERE TO RANT" i dont understand that logic. i thought people would want help with something thats frustrating them lmao.
if you just want to rant and not get help then go for it. but dont get antsy when people try and help you.
maybe with just a few specs we can know what the issue is asap and you will be back playing with no crashes. i guess you dont want that.
enjoy ranting. ill stop posting here.
and its not a
computer then? its almost 3 yrs old
idk much about the computer but saying stuff about my bitching about the constant crash is kinda odd since this is a "rant thread" ya know part of the definition of ranting, how the hell would i know what crashes it?, it just happens out of nowhere despite running fine before the random crashes
yeah new to me, as I said I'm broke from recovering from a massive brain tumour how the living fk could I afford a "new laptop" brand just wanna always be right. it's new to me......... English language has words that have a few ways to use them........
Jagex dont use clients that crash ...
Did they use the Jagex Client? I think they did .. it crashes way too much! I don't use it because it has crashed since day one.
Jagex dont use servers that crash ....
We had a day off last week because ONE server crashed their system COMPLETELY!
Yet Jagex have never had an issue with the likes of Steam when the game crashes.