500 KC with nothing but glvoes and about 70 deaths to show for it, thousands of brews and jelly fish used, having to stop to craft new necro runes over and over, with no drops is bloody annoying!
i wouldn't mind if it was a case of "well i will get there eventually" but with no bad luck mitigation or drop order, i may well never get even the weapons, let along the full set, and then seeing other people with less kills than me and full set is making me so mad i legit am thinking of just dropping all my items and finding a way to get myself banned.
This isn't accessible, this isn't fun, this isnt challenging, this is (censored) annoying, and i dont play games to be (censored)annoyed.
trimmed comp ironman on front page for runescore.
18-Aug-2023 00:42:52