Great job removing all skill to the game. Pkers as a whole ... sorry good pkers will agree you just devalued all of our time learning hot keys and how to 1 tick beyond belief with this update. It's really sad to see the state of the game, pvmers get there hands held every step of the way. Imagine pk skull prevention in a dangerous wilderness not to mention how is there any safe encounter in any location in the wilderness? If you played your game and understood the dynamic of the wild, ud know what would work. I know this post will get deleted by a mod shortly after i post it but ill tell u the simple solution to fix your dead wilderness.
1. Make it so u can atk players at all times anywhere under any circumstances in the wild, its supposed to be dangerous not a soul fears the wild anymore except for those extremely new or those dumb enough 2 risk for no reason. People don't really hunt ppl doing singles bosses like kbd because the odds of u catching them teleing up is a needle in a haystack.
2. With the first rule to work you need to make it extremely rewarding for pvmers or skillers to venture into the wilderness, in the same sense though for them to get good rewards they'd have to be required to risk a certain amount or they would just welfare and farm valueables with no set backs and it wouldnt bring much pker activity, you need to make some singles bosses that are deep but are surrounded completely in multi within just a short range all around them..
3. So now what you have all over the wilderness id say anywhere past the 30-35 line is where u start getting really good rewards no matter what your doing everything needs a buff, like who tf honestly honestly does chaos ele but for a pet? no action there and the same can be said about many old popular locations jagex open your eyes how do u not know this? Anyways what im saying is the food chain is dead, we need rewards that everyone wants but only those willing to really risk it get a chance to get
09-Mar-2023 21:55:45