We really need a world where everything is PVP and that mix something bounty Hunter style to revive it I understand those who do not like to risk but there is a community that if they like to fight and it is not fair that they kill such a fun part of the game for a group of cowards who do not know how to fight.
Dj Playero
We really need a world where everything is PVP and that mix something bounty Hunter style to revive it I understand those who do not like to risk but there is a community that if they like to fight and it is not fair that they kill such a fun part of the game for a group of cowards who do not know how to fight.
Yes, calling other people names demonstrates the typical PKer mentality nicely, well done.
What they need is a fair PVP system that isn't too rewarding or open to farming rewards that are generated by the game.
My idea, from the archives, was to make a gold room in the POH. Everything in there is molten gold and in here you make your gold PVP gear. Whatever is involved, you use gold ores and GP.
That's the only way you can harm another player is gold vs gold.
And if you lose your stuff, just go back and make more.
There is actually some science to it, they said if you superheat gold it becomes much stronger.
Love Faker
to the first noob, i was talking about osrs. 2nd noob ur just that.
How is one suppose to know you're talking about OSRS if you don't make that clear in the post. Besides last time I checked OSRS still has pvp in the wilderness. If people don't want partake in it that's not Jagex's fault. You can't expect Jagex to only add the updates that you want added there are other types of players in this game besides pkers.
I donno... I never minded the heart-pounding thrill of wildy... got chased and killed by a death dot that broke into a horde trying to decide who could kill me and I was killed a couple of times at wildly agility by someone who became a friend lol. I played pretty smart and never lost anything that wasn't worth the trip. I go up now and it's more than a bit of a letdown.
There are players who have never and will never "get" what was the WILDY.. For the rest of us, it's just an empty, kinda sad, hole in the game.
Requiring pvmers to risk is exactly the type of barrier that makes pvmers not interact with the content. Then the only players pvming are bots. Players already risk gp and ether at the updated wildy bosses that pkers get when u kill them.