F2P is the worst it honestly is, like Herblore for example has such great benefits that shouldn't be membership, same thing with Divination, like these 2 skills right here Perfect Juju Potions and Auto bank feature using Grace of the Elves or Porter charges makes the game so much better, unfortunately with the recent events of my main getting muted on top of all the in game prices crashing on top of all the nerfs on top of the Hero pass on top of even more MTX gouging on top of developers not caring about players or respecting the most valuable asset they have, which is time, I have decided to no longer purchase membership for this account or my other 12 accounts.
If Jagex wasn't so greedy & money hungry/gouging, if they actually cared about their game they would be doing things to help the player numbers rise, after all a healthy game is how you in turn generate revenue, making the F2P experience so horrid that the only way you can get any enjoyment out of it is to spend money is a horrible formula, I get the need to make money, but right now with such low player numbers you would think any smart developer would improve the base experience to draw in as many new players as possible to eventually sucker them into MTX or membership but they aren't even doing that, what the hell is going on here?
If you ever want me to spend money on this game again it's going to take a hell of a lot to get me back to that point and it starts with making F2P fun again, maybe lowering bond costs because I've just talked to another 15 or so people who are saying they're going to stop playing because they can't afford membership either IRL cash or GP, explain to me how it is that all other prices in the game are crashing, players are leaving left right and center yet bonds are the only thing that's rising in price, something is extremely fishy there especially after the buffs were removed from the Hero pass.
01-Oct-2023 13:57:15