Man I was looking around at all the dead content this game has to offer, after the Magic nerfs I realized PVM is now dead to two thirds of the player base, meaning Melee users and Magic users now have no reason to play, Melee has been a long time, Mage was finally balanced with Animate Undead allowing players like myself who never bossed to finally attempt bossing and learn mechanics, that's gone meaning I and many others will never PVM again, nobody is going to reinvest in Ranged gear now because we know nerfs are coming there, I mean Jagex nerfed every other form of combat into the ground, what's the point of playing 20 years and maxing out just to what, still struggle? Yeah, okay, I play to have fun, not to struggle 20 years deep into grind.
I looked at all the minigames content that are dead, all the worlds that are virtually dead, all the other content in-between that I missed which is virtually dead, I mean games are meant to be fun, not long tedious mind numbing head banging life existence questioning content that hides behind "It's an MMORPG" you're a joke for even trying to hide behind that, then it fucking hit me, this entire GAME is DEAD CONTENT, they've implemented everything into this game that players were against, EOC, MTX, unwanted NERFS, TAX and a lackluster NEW combat style that steals directly from Magic, it's like having to once again 99 Magic renamed as Necromancy which provides damage negating abilities much like Animate Undead which clearly proves Animate Undead and FsoA were nerfed specifically to get people to use their new Magic style, all that GP on abilities, all that time grinding, it was all for nothing.
Jagex clearly wants players to quit this game, look at the almost $100 bank expansion pack, it's an absolute joke, everything they do is an absolute joke and a slap to the players face, now that all the whales have corrupted the system and had their fun, they'll leave too, and there won't be anybody left to continue funding this game.
06-Jun-2023 11:55:01