Since the release of Archaeology in March, the 'stats' that display on the bottom of every clans 'clan info' page has been incorrect.
The only 2 correct stats in this section are 'clan members' and 'citadel tier', with the rest being incorrect.
Total level (average) displays a random number (usually under 100)
The Kill/Death ratio (kdr) is 0.00 for most clans
and the Total XP for the clan is displaying the total amount of Archaeology XP for the clan.
Viewing a clans 'clan stats' page shows the correct stats.
This is unrelated to the other clan bugs on the website, which are as follows:
~Clan flag not displaying correctly since 2017.
~Clan member RS membership status no longer displaying on the 'clanmates' page.
~BBcodes are no longer visible on clans private forums.
~ The "search for a clanmate" box on Clan Pages no longer auto-fills when typing members' names.
~When a clan member leaves a clan, their XP is not automatically removed from the clans overall XP.
An update on any of these would be appreciated.
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