Ok so i have had an ongoing issue? a security one someone logged into my account requested the pin be changed they have been doing this every couple days for months? they dump whatever gear i have on if i forget too drop everything in the bank? they finally even went so far as too leave me a message in the notes stating a mods name and that i was too leave my bank pin in the notes... Ok not doing that. and yes i have changed my log in , I have added the authenticator but either that doesnt work or they are log in from Jagex ie they have keys to access the account but not to change the bank pin. One of your forum mods literally called me a lair yet I have the screen shots saved off line. I wrote an angry rant since there doesn't seem t be any way to contact tech/security support directly figured they might want to look at the account and figure out whats up. Yes it get s annoying having to replace a max cloak every time i forget to dump everything before i log or if i have seizure etc. Well I keep nothing of value save mats... anyways. We ll know Jagex is too lazy return stolen/scammed items. But one would think you'd at least try to stop people jacking accounts. But your Mod made it clear thats not the case.. SO WHAT IS A KAREN TO DO... hmm well how about I come out of my retirement a direct my company too ONE no longer do business with Jagex of any kind. Two instruct them that all employees and those associated with Jagex are here by blackballed from employment or contract with our company or any of our associate companies... Now Here is the game ? you decide is this a Bluff or is it for real?
09-Oct-2020 01:51:23