I would invoke the Elder Mods. We need not suffer living in fear; they are not unlike us, should we show them our ways, perhaps they will take pity on us, perhaps they would help us, or give us such divine gifts that are merley parlour tricks to their might. All beings have finite anima, and rebuilding the world as we know it might tax them heavily, but just like us, illusionary magic doesn't have to be real in order to have very real effects, and is generally a lot less taxing, if sometimes noticably flawed.
Less uhh, roleplay-ey, these links probably aren't known to the majority of mods, bordering on the shadow realms where the distinction between web team and engine team coalesces. That's to say, they're what NXT uses to send you to the correct site if you click the button to update your drivers every six months, and they probably haven't been looked at in years. Dusty old tomes!
Luckily, I imagine they're pretty trivial to add, so we could have something like runescape.com/wiki.ws ; twitch.ws; etc and it'd be a huge boon for the support forums at the least and probably elsewhere.
08-Oct-2020 01:15:45