Can we have a section added to invest money into game development?
I'm looking to donate around $10,000 but it'd have to be worth it.
Miaoww!!-Bob the Cat.
Wow.. that sure is a lot of money to put into a game!
It would be quite interesting if there was a donate section for game development, and you were able to pick from a list of possible future content that you'd like to support, and where you'd like your money to go towards...
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Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
Hey @Miaoww - This isn't really an appropriate thing for the forums, as there's not much that can be done here... but if you're serious about this, I'd recommend sending off an email to [email protected] to inquire about this, as that's probably the best way to elicit a response.