I joined Imgur, put up my screen shot, followed all your directions and still can't get it to work.
If after 'opening in new tab' my pic url is:
I've tried putting just the in or just the R1s631Y - neither way works.
Thanks you though great guide.
the url should end with either .jpg or .png depending on the file type of your image, if you look back at my example it ends in .jpg, are you opening the image in a new tab or copying the url
if you go to, then follow the guide you should get a pic on the runescape forums your looking for an url like kG0rl62.jpg which then goes in your image bbcode [imgur src=kG0rl62.jpg]
but if you tell me where your lost i can guide you through the rest of the process
Dong U Dead
Oh thanks
you need to go off site, haf a feeling that was the case. Maybe op needs to explain this or add the .com
consider it done
persuming you already have your image heres a step by step guide on how to get your image from your computer to the runescape forums
first go to
add me in-game and i am more then happy to walk you through the process step by step