The one thing this game needs more than ever is a central information hub.
Aka the website. Jagex has failed repeatedly at this and its getting far worse.
So many examples of this I won't even attempt to list them.
Every update, every notice, should be addressed on your website.
As a player. I shouldn't have to sift through Twitter. Discord or reddit. For a jmod replying to a players complaint addressing an ingame issue. Or down server, or oo hey we messed up for the select few players who read this our bad. ect etc
"One example "
On the runescape discord they posted a message how some of the lockout accounts didn't get the charges they received "wishes" it had been fixed and now you can get your missing charges from dangio in draynor...... why is this not posted on the website. A player shouldn't have to hunt for info via discord , Twitter, reddit for the answer.
Get your act together Jagex this is noob level. Stuff that any company in the world would understand.
If you don't know how to make a proper website and keep it updated I can find a few 5th grades who know how.
28-May-2021 19:46:19