Yup, seems to be an AngularJS error that something isn't being loaded correctly. Likely a library not loading for whatever reason.
Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined
at d.app.15f05f72.js:3:105
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
Jagex would need to patch the files to be sure the libraries get loaded so the code runs
Nothing we can do on our end
Though i just tried loading and it's working for me now. so probably fixed and slowly propagating as browser caches reload the new page data
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
Yup. Tried every approach to it I know. Prob seems to be in Java. Hope they fix it soon as it has been down for days now.
How much wood would a Chesstur chuck if a Chesstur could chuck wood? Don't worry. Be Happy.
Yup. Tried every approach to it I know. Prob seems to be in Java. Hope they fix it soon as it has been down for days now.
How much wood would a Chesstur chuck if a Chesstur could chuck wood? Don't worry. Be Happy.