Not really as most of those cards were seen in a plethora of episodes and banning them pretty much makes the ocg boriing rather than fun, I do understand your viewpoint but still, banning cards just makes the game boring
Don't let your memes be wands, or your dreams be steel beams.
You've been out of the game too long to see what we have. Those cards are completely broken when combined with others. You have no idea, trust me. They only ban some, not all. Some cards are just far too broken, FTKs and OTKs would be beyond ridiculous.
Yeah I haven't been dueling since early 2010 because the people in my town rnt big yugioh fans and a lot of them are in college and as for the banlist, I'll take a look later
Don't let your memes be wands, or your dreams be steel beams.
i really dont understand why would they even make these ban lists anyways....i mean a card is a card for a reason so why ban it? its not like they are like bots lol
Don't let your memes be wands, or your dreams be steel beams.