Oh lookie, Lindsey's concert is in my state and it's tomorrow evening, (1 hour 30 min drive from the venue
) but I won't be able to attend since tickets sold out before I got them... and of course my main excuse... it's TOO EXPENSIVE!!
Trimmed (Dec 2017)
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Comp Cape (Apr 2014)
Max Cape (Oct 2012)
Quest Cape (Dec 2010)
27-Jun-2014 01:32:39
- Last edited on
27-Jun-2014 01:33:14
Ut Opus
I originally learned about her through a cross-listed video from YouTube while I was looking at video game music. One of the comments had Lindsey Stirling in it and one of the videos was Spontaneous Me, which is what sparked my curiosity in her. Then after watching her music video of Spontaneous Me, I decided to learn more about her. Ah, the good days back in 2012
Her and Owl City have a new song together -- Not too awful
- Ornery Onions -
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.
For those people that are going to see Lindsey this coming Fall, please know that prices of meet and greets and GA (general admissions) is quite pricey. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to see Lindsey perform close to my area a few years ago while she was still approachable. (Drove 4+ hours to see her and missed some class
I figured it was a one in a lifetime opportunity so I yolo'd it
Anyways for those that do decide to go, enjoy the experience as much as you can!