Whenever I go to a swimming pool at a gym or just anywhere, the smell, not just of the water but the whole place reminds me of when I was very young and me and a lot of my family just went swimming on a regular basis, puts a smile of my face
When it's cold out and a summers evening.
..Also my Harrods perfume. I travel down to London (UK) once a year to buy myself a bottle, it's my treat from me to me.
17-Feb-2015 15:13:21
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17-Feb-2015 15:17:22
Squishy Cats
I can't really give a reason for why I like these scents, but an honest list:
- Roses
- Play-Doh (glad someone else mentioned this first!)
- Freshly done laundry
- Burning wood
- Freshly baked bread
- Beef that's in the process of being cooked (roast beef and steak, especially)
Edit: Added in one more.
17-Feb-2015 19:34:23
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20-Feb-2015 02:14:49