There are several:
- Selfie - how is this even a word???
- Twerk(ing) - funny story, my academic writing professor once used 'twerking' in class as she thought it was a social media site.
- Bro - I'm just not one to use this word.
- Hashtag - let's keep Twitter talk exclusive to twitter please, thanks.
- Exemplar - not sure what about this word bothers me but a highschool English teacher used this to describe almost every piece of paper we got and it got very annoying.
- Psychology - just because it's a failure of a science.
- Moisture, moist, ointment - these words just tear my ears apart, though I lack an explanation for why.
- The surname 'Agostino' - it just sounds weird, and I had a Mr. Agostino as a physical education teacher in highschool and I'm fairly sure he hated me with a passion. Incidentally, this course was the only course I was ever remotely close to failing; there was no reason for this however.
- Imperial - because when I hear this word I think of the Imperial System of Measurement, which is so fail.
- Ironic/ironically - because most of the time it's used incorrectly.
- Literally (when others say it) - I'm guilty of using this word incorrectly at times but it kills me when I hear others use it incorrectly.
- College - Americans use college and university interchangeably but in Canada, at least I'm fairly decisive that college usually pertains to a lower tier education facility than a university, and Americans often say I'm in college when I'm in university.
- Dorm - no explanation I just don't like the word.
02-May-2014 23:21:41