Such lies lol. The last part.
Zach I totally cannot in any way at all picture you as a lawyer. It makes me giggle uncontrollably.
You'd get a PhD after your JD? Or are you saying it's the same. What kind of law?
I'm starting the surgical tech program in January, and if I like it, then I might go back to school to get my RN, and who knows maybe after that I'll become a Nurse Anesthetist. I am also gearing up to be a professional student.
KOREY@@@@@@@@ Glad you're feeling better. <3333
I am doing well. This is my birthday weekend. I'm going to go play with one of my girlfriends today, then after church tomorrow I'm going to bake up a storm of sugar and chocolate (since I haven't been eating either for months and months), and then I'm going to take it all into work on monday for my birthday and have a really good day!
17-Nov-2012 15:22:58