R obin
Yeah, guess it's about what mindset you have, I just can't grasp why you'd want to spend money on cosmetics on a game.
i cant grasp why one would be stupid enough to poison there body with alcohol or cigarettes or consume massive amounts of caffeine, drink large amounts of synthetic adrenaline or consume bacon, but its just that kind of world
R obin
Yeah, guess it's about what mindset you have, I just can't grasp why you'd want to spend money on cosmetics on a game.
i cant grasp why one would be stupid enough to poison there body with alcohol or cigarettes or consume massive amounts of caffeine, drink large amounts of synthetic adrenaline or consume bacon, but its just that kind of world
Probably because you only live once and you can die at anytime at any age, so people do what makes them happy to make the most of their life, no point trying to live a boring, safe life when you can still die by a random virus or a car crash or whatever and not have any fun during your life and regret it.
nooo gunblade nerf..................................
overall so many items changed that i dont think its really a nerf.....
Single target spells lower the CD of the active by 1 second and autos lower it also. They take that off the gunblade... akali is all single target... I normally have the GB each fight.
~God is a Poro~ NA Akali main ~Poro Lover~
nooo gunblade nerf..................................
overall so many items changed that i dont think its really a nerf.....
Single target spells lower the CD of the active by 1 second and autos lower it also. They take that off the gunblade... akali is all single target... I normally have the GB each fight.
my bad just read the seperate ap item list, tbh i didnt bother before, but they got owned with the patches xd, but new graves is fun
when you blind graves he shoots in a random direction