the most wonderful feels
The builds and cs... what elo is this?...
whose builds and cs? but i'm currently gold 4, Tf plat 5, rest were gold 3 and gold 2 and yeah... that nocturne didn't finish his devourer that game -.-
whose builds and cs? but i'm currently gold 4, Tf plat 5, rest were gold 3 and gold 2 and yeah... that nocturne didn't finish his devourer that game -.-
whose builds and cs? but i'm currently gold 4, Tf plat 5, rest were gold 3 and gold 2 and yeah... that nocturne didn't finish his devourer that game -.-
randuins on nasus thresh
No cleanse vs a tf
The item priority on blitz
trinket upgrades
no nomicon or athenes on viktor
ah good point. i should've brought cleanse; i guess i wanted more kill potential. besides i went with ignite due to nasus as well. I usually go nomicon on viktor but i was so far ahead i went glass cannon. and yeah i probably should've went nomicon due to nasus on their team.
Only thing you're going to be cleansing is gold cards, in lane TF cant kill you without a gank and with Shyv jungle chances of that happening are low as long as you play the lane right.
Come team fighting the ONLY way he can catch you with a gold card is if he does some Messiah play and ports into the backline and then hourglassing. If he does that their only follow up engage is shyv diving on you. All you need to do when you see tf port is drop your gravity field in front of you so shyv has to dive through it that way shyv gets stunned and stops her follow up, then you just insta win the team fight.
Item wise only thing worth considering is an abyssal, good against TF and Shyv, gives you a really nice mid game spike especially if you go with sorcs over cooldown boots for like 35 flat magic pen + runes and masteries. You'd be doing like true damage to TF and Cait.
Randiuns on thresh and Nasus not really a big deal, I guess in retrospect against Vayne it wasn't great cos she didn't build much crit but don't think he could've known that at the time of buying, would've been a good buy if she had.
Blitzs items are just troll, you just pop all your speed boosts and run into them, makes them panic and tbh thats enough on its own to win some fights. Zekes should've been built though.
whose builds and cs? but i'm currently gold 4, Tf plat 5, rest were gold 3 and gold 2 and yeah... that nocturne didn't finish his devourer that game -.-
randuins on nasus thresh
No cleanse vs a tf
The item priority on blitz
trinket upgrades
no nomicon or athenes on viktor
ah good point. i should've brought cleanse; i guess i wanted more kill potential. besides i went with ignite due to nasus as well. I usually go nomicon on viktor but i was so far ahead i went glass cannon. and yeah i probably should've went nomicon due to nasus on their team.
Why to cleanse to tf: You walk up laser him. He cards you. You cleanse it q aa dead. I never bring cleanse to tf but I play lb diana lol
~God is a Poro~ NA Akali main ~Poro Lover~