I only recently just bought bo3. Only reason I did was to play with a co-worker whose way too far ahead than me so I always feel like a complete noob. Lemme' know if you want to join me.
It's a good game, though. Decent graphics, interesting story; much better than I expected overall as someone who's never played any COD prior. I just don't really like PVP, though. Especially when the respawn counter takes long enough to get a tbag in. Lol. Enrages me, idk why. So yeah... zombies mostly here.
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Ornery Onions
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.
Black ops 1 was good, black ops 2 is great, black ops 3 looks fun. I've heard a lot of good reviews (haven't purchased it yet) as I do not 'ave time but the gravity spikes looks pretty sick lol never been a fan of the double jumping/running along walls but it looks like it suits and it's a lot more adaptable compared to AW but yah
You all play console or pc?
I'm not ashamed to be a killer, I'm proud of it, it's not an addiction, it's a choice and it's not something you should have to hide in the closet.
do u?