To me, marriage is just a label people stick on their relationship as a way to make themselves seem more in love, in a way.
That's what I don't like about relationships, there's all these labels associated with them, boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband etc and how do those affect you in real life? If you truly love someone, you don't need to go around saying "so and so" is my boyfriend/girlfriend whatever. It's just unnecessary labeling and can actually harm your relationships with other people.
Sure marriage seems nice and you get the experience of your wedding day and whatnot, but for me personally, unless my significant other at the time is 100% positive they want to get married and have all the glamour of a wedding day, I wouldn't bother with it.
Another issue I find with marriage is like, it's like a contract thing, you're contracted to stay with this person for the rest of your life and if you don't want to stay with them, you have to go through all these messy divorce proceedings that just take a lot of time and money. If you just stay together without the marriage label, it's a lot easier to move on if you find yourself not loving the person you're with
23-Dec-2015 13:43:38