Terra Nova
omg yes
I can't believe Fox cancelled the show =/ They said that each episode produced cost more than any other shows. $4m from the pilot alone versus $1-2m in other shows aired during that time.
They are the only main ones i watch without fail, i used to really like Revolution but that got cancelled after series 2
One day i will think of something clever to write here.......This however is not that day
H alo
I don't watch tv. But I just watched all 5 seasons of Teen Titans cuz #nostalgia. Shame they cancelled the show. It ended with so many cliffhangers.
and now they ruin it with a dumb new spin off for Neanderthals...
Don't let your memes be wands, or your dreams be steel beams.
I'm seeing an unfortunate lack of mentions of Sons of Anarchy. Favorite TV series hands down. Will rewatch the entire series multiple times for years to come.
Ever wonder why ice cubes taste so boring?