Typhlosion just look at them they look like total beasts with a side of cuteness. I wanna hug one irl
Runescape herb farmer an farming fanatic
Purple PartyHat enthusiast
Scizor for sure.
I also had my share of playing pokemon not on console but emulator. While i was going 99 div and rc
Some may say its childish but i dont think so..good way to make time fly if u ask me.
To make time fly while divination and farming to 99 I made a new account
Unfortunately I've been playing it less today because I've been on here but I made it 13 Aug and already it is level 94 at 1463 total: "Hyperactive"
I've had fun and still will.. soon
but right now I'm trying to do quests and, lol, I'm kinda too out of it right now to understand them...
As for my favourite Pokemon
I <3 all 3
I am also Coward, that is the account I play a lot more often
Been playing Platinum lately trying to understand EV training and my top 3 fav aesthetically and combat wise are probably Gengar, Lucario and Salamence. Gengar and Lucario are pretty much a glass cannon but its fun as heck to go around smashing everything and they have a brutal moveset
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death