Don't you think though Korey that Beyonce completly misses the point in that song?
She starts off well with the whole, I would get up and throw on my clothes but then just goes way off course.
If I were a boy.............. I would have so much more time and money!
I would shave off my hair so it took me 20 minutes less at the pool each day.
I would cut my nails short and not mind when they broke.
I would spend way less time shaving (leg area > face area nubs), and not be spending my morning today getting my eyebrows waxed and my eyelashes tinted.
Never have to wear heals or spend money or time on make-up, facial or hair care.
Not have to queue for the toilet!
Because of all of the above I would have way more xps in game <3
11-Apr-2012 07:46:49