I have enough of my own crazy, a daily dose of you and I would probably be diagnosed clinically insane and I mean that in the nicest possible crazy way! <3
Urgh do not want to go to bed, to only wake up and take an exam in the morning, the longer I stay up the longer it takes before exam time, am I right?!
The AFKers
You are always right dear heart lol
I hope its not one of those pick one of three questions and write ten pages to answer it type of exam. I remember when I forgot about an exam and got stuck with one of those tests. I filled it with tons of big words and ended up acing it. I even got the highest grade of the class.
Go to bed Meg. I will get with you later.
no it's apparently an "informal" exam - face to face with teacher running through a series of questions based on what we have learnt so far, I wish it was a sit down, answer questions in text and hand in paper type exam LOL at least I could walk out without feeling ashamed if I do terrible and teacher left thinking - wow clearly she is far more stupid than I could have imagined!
I suck under pressure, worried my mind will go blank on me LOL
The AFKers