In-game: when my internet decides to take a gut-rearranging shit
when I want to do something fun with friends.
All day clue scroll hunting/thieving, and it's smooth as butter. "I, Internet, am here for you. This is gonna go smoother than melted butter pouring out of Billie Holliday's soulful pipes."
Someone wants to Nex, I gear, we start, and... "Oh, are we
Online? I suppose I can handleOHMYGOD A SQUIRREL!"
Out of game: people who deliberately mispronounce words. Fuck regional quirks, it's "cousin," not "cuzzint." Not a particularly important thing to stress about, but it gives me the red ass nonetheless.
sips soul smoothie
This tastes exactly like Icthlarin's disappointment.
when my bank is full and i don't know that it is, then i use my bank pre-sets and nothing loads. i sometimes have to take a deep breath or i would be throwing my mouse at the wall =/
Thank You, dear Jagex you are great, GUTHIX will praise you one day, i cried a little when Guthix died he was and still could be my favorite god in all of rs. it broke my <3 that day i sorta resorted to skipping thru the lore nowadays =/
the fact cosmetic overrides seem to have put a stop to the fact that black cavs and a gathering-focused skillcape were the standard uniform of adolescent ed8rs, so you don't know to avoid them at a distance anymore.
Either that, or that was the way for years and they just grew up and now hide it better