I think humour is important for cultural development and health. Is it ruled by personalities? Yes. Some people 'get' some parts, whilst others don't - an example of this would be something like Monty Python; elements of it are funny on the face of it, but when you read into it, it's actually
comedy. It offers something for everyone. But humour is universal, it's something that we all... most of us... share.
Can it cause conflict? Well, that depends how you define conflict, but I suppose it can. In this era, many would argue over offence, but I really see it as what's appropriate, and whats not, in that time and place - and that's what it boils down to. I wouldn't want to joke about funerals after a friends father passed away, for example.
But I tend to keep my humour off of the forums, doubt many would like it.
Sorry if I'm a bit full on with the politics, spent too much time in seminars and with professors!