Unrelated to death and monsters and spawns, but I took a different route home today, and an able-bodied man in his late twenties was holding a small white cup. He had a broken leg, although the way he was standing--and leaning on his leg--made me think otherwise.
He was asking passersby for change--coins, anything--and when it came my turn to pass him, I shook my head. He proceeded to call me a derogatory name under his breath.
Unrelated to death and monsters and spawns, but I took a different route home today, and an able-bodied man in his late twenties was holding a small white cup. He had a broken leg, although the way he was standing--and leaning on his leg--made me think otherwise.
He was asking passersby for change--coins, anything--and when it came my turn to pass him, I shook my head. He proceeded to call me a derogatory name under his breath.