I had this guy beg for top to play vs a Riven, because he 'mains' her and is really good against her..I think minions probably hit lane and 15 seconds later, he dies 1v1.
Also, I play with less intelligent people who die 2v2 in like 3mins no jungle pressure. Then return to lane and die again. Always the same, bot lane crushes or gets crushed no in-between for me
I want to ban Azir every game just so my team doesn't pick him. Holy shit. over atleast 10 games with him on my team, only 1 of them has gone positive or had an impact in the game, and that was a jungle one. Fuck Azir
My EUW account is like level 10
("dodoberd" if you want to add)
Gold 5/NA on main though
having a random bot lane partner sucks. either the adc doesnt know how to cs or the support plays too aggressive/too passive. those times where they know what they are doing is glorious though