And btw, i will determine who is famous and who is not
Top fucking lol.
Well no1 else can determine who is famous to me can they.
famous to u and famous to society are two different things. Just cuz you know the name of the person who created door knobs, doesn't mean they're famous. Just cuz you don't know who beyonce is doesn't mean she's not famous.
l2english m8
Nicely put my friend and also very correct but this thread is about people that
deem to be famous to me not beyonce or the guy that made door knobs.
To dumb it down a little for you...
I have never heard nor seen you before therefore to me you are not famous "in my eyes"
lol @ dumb down. it doesn't take intelligence to understand what you're saying, nor does it take intelligence to know that just cuz you "deem" someone famous doesn't mean they're famous. you should of just changed the title to "jmods and people that i know of" then maybe you would sound a little more "intelligent" since you think you're smart.
All of these people are unheard of outside of runescape but are "deemed" famous in game, so by your logic these people can not be called famous because they are unheard of outside of runescape.
What you seem to be forgetting in all this is that runescape is a game and people do "fun stuff" on games which is all i have done here and idk about you but this thread has made me smile a little and i think some people may have also smiled at this thread.
And 1 last thing on the matter...
Who the hell are you to tell me who i can think is famous or not?
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]