Went to a semester of college after I graduated from high school, but dropped out due to not wishing to take on debt. Worked retail for 15 months. Currently getting job experience by helping out a family friend with his handyman business. I will be applying for an electrician apprenticeship (preferably commercially over residential) in November, when the handyman jobs start slowing down. By the end of the five year apprenticeship, I'll probably be making more than most of my friends that are going to college and without the debt.
bachelor, mechatronics
Mechatronics, never heard of that
seems interesting.
that was my specialization within my mechanical engineering degree. finished last december (bachelors)
Finished my masters; currently working in that field (success! I know people who finished and couldn't find a job) but may get my doctorate at some point. Figured I should put my education to work first; there's more to life than school.
Currently working on my Bachelor's Degree - Business economics, currently a 3th year student.
You should switch to an English degree
\\ Creator of
RuneScape Confessions